
• GaoTeng Penguin Asian High Yield Fund(“本基金“)主要投资于亚洲地区和新兴市场的债券。本基金亦可使用金融衍生品工具,包括可转换债券,远期外汇合约及/或无本金交割远期外汇交易。

• 本基金面临衍生品投资风险,因衍生品价值的涨落幅度可能超过股票和债务票据本身的变动,损失可能大于初始投资。

• 主权行为和政治变革可能使得本基金资产减少,亦将影响货币自由交易。此外,部分市场可能因监管不严,加上信息披露受限,因此本基金亦可能面临额外风险,此类市场表现亦可能会出现重大波动。

• 本基金投资新兴市场,可能面临额外风险及特殊考虑因素,例如流动性风险、货币风险/管制、政治及经济不明朗因素、法律和税务风险、及剧烈波动的可能性。

• 本基金面临可能投资的债券的发行人信贷/违约风险。本基金亦可投资于评级低于投资级别或未获评级的债券,该等证券通常流动性更低及波动性更大。本基金可将资产重要部分投资于高收益债券,此类债券具有更高违约风险。

• 本基金之分销以及发行或购买本基金中的份额在某些司法管辖区可能会受到限制,特别是本基金并未获得证券及期货事务监察委员会的认可,亦无意将其销售予中国香港地区或中国大陆地区之公众投资者。投资者应确保中介人已解释本基金是否适合阁下。

• 投资者不应单凭此内容而投资于本基金,作出投资前应参阅有关销售文件,尤其是投资政策及风险因素,以了解更多详情。

• 本基金是GaoTeng Fund ICAV的子基金,Lemanik Asset Management S.A.都柏林分行是该基金的经理,高腾国际资产管理有限公司是该基金的投资经理。本基金已根据UCITS法规获得爱尔兰中央银行认可。中央银行认可不代表对本基金的推荐或认许,亦不代表其对本基金的商业利弊或其表现作出保证。此并不意味著本基金适合所有投资者,亦并非认许本基金适合任何特定投资者或投资者类别。

GaoTeng Fund ICAV - GaoTeng Penguin Asian High Yield Fund
基金类型: ICAV
发行日期: 2020-04-28

The Fund aims to maximise total return from a combination of income and capital gain through investing in Asia’s high-yielding sovereign, quasi-sovereign, bank and corporate debt markets.


The Fund aims to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its Net Asset Value in Regulated Markets in Asia, including and not limited to China, Korea, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore. Exposure to each of these jurisdictions will be achieved indirectly through over-the-counter USD debt securities settled in Euroclear and Clearstream. In respect of India exposure may also be gained indirectly through investment in Credit-linked Notes. The Fund may invest more than 30% of its Net Asset Value in Emerging Markets.

The diversified portfolio would comprise of Treasury Bonds, Convertible Bonds, Urban Investment Bonds, Senior Bonds, Subordinated Bonds, Perpetual Debt Instruments, CoCos and Tier 2 Bonds, government and/or corporate bonds (which will be fixed and/or floating rate) traded on a Regulated Market (collectively "Debt Securities") and Rule 144A Securities, Regulation S Securities (provided they comply with Regulation 68 of the Regulations), as well as CIS, which are exchange traded funds and CIS providing exposure to eligible Debt Securities indices.

The minimum percentage of Debt Securities comprising the portfolio is 80% of the Net Asset Value. At least 70% of Fund’s Net Asset Value will be invested in Non-Investment Grade Instruments. Up to 35% of the Fund's Net Asset Value will be invested in unrated Debt Securities, comprising of corporate bonds.

The Fund can invest up to 30% of its Net Asset Value in Regulated Markets in Asia, including and not limited to mainland China’s fixed income Debt Securities listed or traded on CIBM via Bond Connect. The remaining Fund's Net Asset Value will be invested in Debt Securities and exchange traded funds (as listed above) in Regulated Markets and unregulated markets in Asia (the investment in unregulated markets in Asia being limited to 10% of NAV), including but not limited to China, Korea, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore.

The Fund may invest:

• up to 10% of its Net Asset Value in Urban Investment Bonds;

• up to 10% of its Net Asset Value in Convertible Bonds;

• up to 5% of its Net Asset Value in CoCos;

• up to 10% of its Net Asset Value Tier 2 Bonds;

• up to 10% of its Net Asset Value non-preferred Senior Bonds;

• up to 5% of its Net Asset Value in Credit-linked Notes; and

• up to 10% of its Net Asset Value in open-ended exchange traded CIS and eligible index CIS providing exposure to Debt Securities.

The Fund's investments are subject to an overall 10% investment limit of the Net Asset Value in transferable securities, eligible closed-ended funds and money market instruments in accordance with the asset classes identified above which are not listed, traded or dealt in on a Regulated Market.

The Fund is actively managed without reference to a benchmark. Investments in the portfolio are not specifically selected from the constituents of a benchmark, hence the Fund's investment policy is in no way constrained.

Financial Derivative Instruments

The Fund will use financial derivative instruments ("FDI") for investment and hedging purposes as defined in the FDI table. The Fund can hedge currency exposures using FDIs, such as Forward Currency Exchange Contracts and Non-deliverable Forwards, limited to 30% of its Net Asset Value. The Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 30% of the Fund’s Net Asset Value.

Securities Financing Transactions

The Investment Manager may enter into Securities Financing Transactions, namely repurchase transactions, subject to and in accordance with the conditions and limits set out in the Prospectus and the Central Bank UCITS Regulations for efficient portfolio management with a level of risk which is consistent with the risk profile of the Fund and the UCITS risk diversification rules.

The maximum and expected percentages of the Net Asset Value of the Fund that can be subject to repurchase transactions are 20% and 5% respectively. The expected percentage is not a limit and the actual percentage may differ from the expected percentage over time, depending on factors including, but not limited to, market conditions (such as a financial crisis).

The Fund does not engage in reverse repurchase transaction.

The Fund may invest up to 100% of its Net Asset Value in cash and other money market instruments including certificates of deposit, Treasury Bills and commercial paper issued by highly rated (Investment Grade or higher) corporate or sovereign issuers ("Liquid Instruments") which are traded in Regulated Markets (and up to 10% of its Net Asset Value in Liquid Instruments which are not listed, traded or dealt in on a Regulated Market) for cash flow purposes or where the Investment Manager believes that economic, financial and political conditions make it advisable to do so and it would not be in the best interests of the Shareholders to be fully invested or where the Fund needs to maintain liquidity to meet redemption requests.

With regard to the investment in CIS providing exposure to eligible Debt Securities indices, all such indices to which exposure may be gained, will comprise of eligible assets and comply with the risk spreading rules applied to direct investment in equities in accordance with the requirements of the UCITS Regulations and will also comply with the Central Bank's UCITS Regulations, the Central Bank's guidance on UCITS Financial Indices and the ESMA Guidelines on exchange traded funds and other UCITS issues ("Index Requirements"). The indices are publically available and are revised and rebalanced periodically to ensure they continue to reflect the market they represent. The indices' criteria are publically available and in accordance with the Index Requirements. The indices represent the Debt Securities markets in which the Fund predominantly invests. The Investment Manager may invest in any number of CIS providing exposure to publically available indices not managed by the Investment Manager to complement the investment policy of the Fund. Accordingly, it is not possible to provide a definitive list of indices in which the CIS (in which the Fund invest) may invest in. Additional information on the indices, rebalancing frequencies and the effects of these on the costs within the index that may be invested in by the Fund, through the CIS, can be obtained from the Investment Manager upon request.








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Lemanik Asset Management S.A




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